Descriere lot procedura

Prin utilizarea de noi materiale si acoperiri metalice, cerintele pentru echipamentul de masurare sunt din ce in ce mai mari. In special la masurarea suprafetelor trebuie ca proprietatile acstora sa fie cat mai exact analizate si masurate. Cu dispozitivul de masurare 3D a suprafetelor, trebuie sa masuram nu numai valorile suprafetelor 2D, se doreste a se masura/analiza si conturile 3D. By using of new materials and coatings, the demands on the measuring equipment are higher and higher. Especially in surface metrology the properties have to be more closely analyzed and specified. With the 3D surface measuring device , as previously -we can determine not only usual 2D surface values, but we can also record and analyze the 3D contours.